Wednesday, April 26, 2017

Which is a better drink/snack?

Cola vs Milk 
Which one is a better drink? Why?

     Milk is a better drink than cola because it is healthier. 

     Milk is a kind of dairy products. Dairy products such as cheese, milk and yoghurt contain calcium and vitamin D. They are important for the growth of our bones and teeth. It is also a good source of protein. Protein is important for our growth. However, milk contains fat too. If you drink too much milk, it may also make you fat. 

      Cola is a kind of soft drinks. Soft drinks such as Sprite, 7up and Fanta contain a lot of sugar. They are very bad for our teeth. If we drink too many soft drinks, the sugar may also make us fat. We may also have high blood sugar, which is very bad for our health. Besides, there are no other important nutrients in cola besides the carbohydrates coming from sugar. Cola tastes good but it is an unhealthy drink.

        Overall, milk is a healthier drink than cola. It's better to be mindful when we choose our drinks. 

Orange vs Cotton Candy
Which one is a better snack? Why?

1. Oranges are better snack than cotton candies because they are  healthier. (Introduction: what are you trying to say in your writing?)

2. Oranges are good because they contain lots of essential minerals and vitamins, such as vitamins A and C. (Topic sentence: what are you trying to say in this paragraph?) These vitamins give us healthier skin and eyes. (HOW do these vitamins help our bodies.) We feel more energetic too if there are enough of them working in our body! (More on HOW do these vitamins help our bodies.) They also provide us calcium which can make our teeth and bones healthier. (What else does an orange provide us?)  Besides, they carry lots of fiber, which maintain a healthy digestive system. Eating too many oranges, however, is not good for us because they also contain a lot of sugar. (You may also write something bad about the food.) Fruit sugar can also make us fat. (Why is it bad for us?
3. Cotton candies are not a good choice of snacks because they contain too much sugar. (Topic sentence: what are trying to say in this paragraph?) Sugary food such as chocolate and sweets gives us energy (Something good about cotton candy) but too much of it can make us fat (Something bad about sugary food) because our bodies store the extra amount of sugar which we don't need. (Why and how is it bad for us?)  They are also bad for our teeth. (Why is it bad for us?) It's better to eat less sugary food and fewer cotton candies. (Small conclusion: what is your conclusion for this paragraph? What is the solution/ suggestion?)

4. Oranges and cotton candies are both high in sugar, but oranges provide us more essential minerals and vitamins. (A short and simple conclusion to wrap your writing.) So oranges are a better snack choice. We should be careful when it comes to snacks- something we all enjoy and it's hard to stop eating! (A sound ending to help readers do some reflections about their snacks.)

Research on two food items on Kiddle

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Sentence Making Ch4 ( Writing about one food item)

Please write one paragraph on one food item.

What is the food item? ( Candies)
Which category of food does it belong to? ( sugary food)
How is it good for us? ( give us energy)
How is it bad for us? ( Eating too many candies makes us fat and it's bad for our teeth)
What is your advice? ( It is better to eat less. )

Try to use the following key structure ( such as ; too many/ too much)


      Candies are sugary food. Sugary food such as chocolate and candies are sweet. It gives us energy because it contains a lot of sugar, but eating too much sugary food may make us fat. It is also bad for our teeth. Besides, there are usually no other good nutrients in candies. It is better to eat less sugary food like chocolate, candies and ice lollies. 

Friday, April 21, 2017

Longman Express 4B Ch.4 Quizlet

Who is the top scorer? Bring it on the challenge! 

Longman Express 4B Ch.4 Key structure

Creative Writing 4 (Easter holiday)

You may stick some pictures of your travel instead of drawing.

What tense do we use in this writing when we recount past events?

Q: What did you do at Easter, Ms Zoe?
A: At Easter, I went on a trip to Bali in Indonesia with my husband because it has been a long while since we traveled together and we both worked very hard so we wanted a relaxing vacation together. We swam in a waterfall, visited a temple and went trekking on a rice terrace. The rice terrace was super beautiful and the waterfall swim was very exciting. We also swam a lot in the hotel and went sunbathing for the whole day at a beach. It was a very relaxing and fun holiday because we had so much fun at Bali.
I wish to go there again one day!

- When ( Easter)
- Who ( with my husband)
- Where ( in Bali, Indonesia)
- What ( rice terrace trekking, temple visit, waterfall swimming)
- How ( relaxing and fun )
- Why ( to relax and have fun)
- Closing ( I wish to go there again one day!)

Extended reading(Optional)  

Here are some reviews written by my husband about the places we visited at Easter in Bali. You may read the reviews and if you have questions for me, please feel free to come and talk with me at Learn with Fun during 1st or 2nd recess on Tuesday or Wednesday. Please tell me also what you did over your Easter holiday! Cheers!

Monday, April 10, 2017

Longman Express 4B Ch4

Please complete the post reading on p.32

Please make notes and highlight your book on Ch4 as above.

Friday, April 7, 2017

1617 2nd Test Key

A. Comprehension I.
-0.5 per mistake, 1% goes to grammatical mistakes and 1% goes to key answer

1. What does Tim’s family like doing on Saturdays?
They like swimming on Saturdays/ they like to swim on Saturdays.
Tim's family like/ likes (OK)
Saturday (-0.5 for missing -s)

2. Why did Tim’s family have dim sum for lunch instead of lunch buffet?
It was because the dim sum was cheaper/ the lunch buffet was more expensive.
It was because ... (-1 for missing "it was")
... cost 500 dollars without comparing the price (cheaper/ more expensive) (-0.5 from key answer)

3. When did Tim’s mum take him to the fresh market?
  She brought Tim to the fresh market in the afternoon/ after lunch. 

4. Where did Tim’s family celebrate Dad’s birthday?
  They celebrated Dad’s birthday at home.

5. Who can eat a lot in Tim’s family?
  Tim’s father can eat a lot in their family.
Father/ Dad (OK)

6. How would you celebrate your parent’s birthday?
  Students’ answers.

 A. Comprehension II.
-1 per mistakes about spelling/ copying/ key answer/ unclear answer (MIND YOUR HANDWRITING)
-0.5 for spacing/ capitalization

(1) Kids’ Magazine (-0.5 if missing or misplace s')
(2) reporter
(3) visit/ visit the
(4) excited
(5) spacesuit (-1 for extra -s)
(6) stay/ go
(7) isn’t
(8) special
(9) crumbs/ bread/ bread bits/ food
(10) dangerous

B. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verbs in the following diary. (12% @ 1%)

(1) _______is/was________ (be)
(2) _______went______ (go)
(3) ___sailed______ (sail)
(4) _______fished_____ (fish)
(5) _____did______ (do) not (6) ____catch____ (catch)
(7) ________looked_____ (look)
(8) _______fell_________ (fall)
(9) _____will visit__ (visit)
(10) ___will watch_____ (watch)
(11) _are shopping _____ (shop)
(12) _____is_____ (be)

C. Underline the wrong words and correct the mistakes. There is ONE mistake in each    sentence. (18% @ 2%)

1.  does; is            
2. consideratest; most considerate      
3. go; went          
4. cross; across            
5. humorous; intelligent/smart/clever  
6. buy; bought          
7. on; upon          
8. tells; told            
9. bad; worst          

D. Read the maps and complete the conversations. (10% @ 1%)
-0.5 per mistake if the answer is more than 1 words
-1 per mistake if the answer is only 1 word
-0.5 per spacing/ capitalization mistakes

(1) how to get to (ignore the pencil mark on the paper if you put down "how can I get to", this is to remind students about using inversion in English. Since this was not taught explicitly (not part of the key structure) so no points will be taken off)
(2) go out of
(3) turn right
(4) straight ahead
(5) next to

(6) walk across
(7) right
(8) on
(9) left
(10) opposite

E.   Fill in the blanks with appropriate question words. Each word should be used ONCE only.
(6% @ 1%)
1. How

2. What

3. Where

4. Who (-1 if you put down "What" because each word can only be used once only as in the instruction)

5. Why

6. When

F. Fill in the blanks with the correct prepositions. (10% @ 1%)
1. off
2. on/ off/ out of (in/ into/ out is not acceptable)
3. along/ past/ on/ off (in/ into is not acceptable)
4. in
5. on
6. for/ by
7. on/ for
8. to
9. at (in is not acceptable because "in the end" refers to the time)
10. at

G. Guided Writing (22%)

No points will be given or taken off from "My notes" because Candy will not send out her notes with the invitation card/ email to Ron.
Marks are distributed as below.

Content ~ Developed /Complete            10%
(0.5) Dear  (0.5)Ron,
(-0.5) Best wishes,
(0.5) Candy
(1) What
(1) Why
(1) When (-1 for today, she would have called instead if the party was on that day/ was that urgent!)
(1) Where
(2) How
(1) Introduction/ greetings
(1) Ending/ asking for reply

Organisation (logical flow of your writing) 3%
(3) A, (2) B, (1) C, (0) F

Accuracy ~ Grammar/ Spelling/ Punctuation    6%
(2%) Grammar/ (2%) Spelling/ (2%)Punctuation

Others ~ Paragraphing/Tidiness             3%
(1.5%)-0.5 per inappropriate paragraphing



Make a Kahoot Question

Based on p.29, please make a Kahoot question below with right and wrong answers provided.

e.g. What is the name of the company?
Sunny Health (right)
sunny health (wrong)
Seeds"n" Fruit (wrong)
Animal-shaped Biscuits (wrong)