Monday, April 30, 2018

Writing my opinion on snacks

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How to add post on Padlet using a phone? 

*It may take a few minutes to upload the picture using your phone.
*Remember to click "DONE" after uploading your picture.

How to add post on Padlet using a computer?

Longman Express 4B Suggestion words

Monday, April 23, 2018

Longman Express 4B Ch4 Creative writing instructions

Creative writing 4: 
1. Fold your CW paper into half (keep your name outside and your work inside).
2. Stick a food wrapper or a picture of a food/ snack on the left side of the page. 
3. Write down the name of the food on top of the left page. 
4. Using the suggested sentence structure, write down 5 hints or more (to describe the food item) on the right side. 
5. You will present your hints to your classmates in the coming oral class. Make sure your hints are not too easy nor too hard for others to guess your food item!
6. DO NOT show your food item to others before the oral class, so our oral class will be more fun :)